Virtual reality is one of the technologies with the highest potential projected for growth. According to the latest estimates from IDC research (2018), investment in VR and AR will increase 21-fold over the next four years to reach 15.5 billion euros by 2022. In addition, both technologies will be key to companies ' digital transformation plans, and their spending in this area will exceed those of the consumer sector. Therefore, more than half of the larger European companies are expected to have a VR and RA strategy.
Today, the Sunday market demands apps that go beyond entertainment, tourism or marketing and are more affordable for users. Virtual interfaces also need to be improved to avoid flaws such as clipping that make certain solid objects look passable. Or to minimize the effects VR has on humans, including vehicle retention, which consists of a giddy deceleration caused by the mismatch between the movement of our bodies and those seen in the virtual world.
Major tech companies are already working to develop headphones that don't require cable and allow images to be seen in HD. They are developing virtual reality titles with 8K and much more powerful processors. There is even talk that they could integrate artificial intelligence in the next few years. The latest 5G standard can also provide very interesting scenarios for the evolution of VR. This standard will allow more devices and a large community of users to connect. In addition, the virtually undetectable latency will make it possible for consumers to receive images in real time, almost as if they were seeing them with their own eyes.
All this means that virtual reality is no longer science fiction. It is integrated into the present and will lead the developments that will shape the future in the coming years.